Cake Monster ($MONSTA) & Why You Should Be Buying It RIGHT NOW

Cassie Wolfe
3 min readOct 14, 2021

If you’re just learning about Cake Monster, (or better yet, beginning to understand the mechanics that make it so incredibly genius), you’re probably scrambling, trying to figure out where to buy it. Well, you’re in luck, you can purchase Cake Monster on BSC’s number one decentralized exchange, Pancake Swap. If you’re new to the decentralized exchanges, here’s a walk through on how to get started.

Now, let’s talk about what makes Cake Monster so amazing.

The Game: Cake Monster is a hyper deflationary coin. There are currently 5.8 billion Monsta coins in circulation. The vault will be opened and all remaining holders will receive the $CAKE inside once we’ve reduced the number of coins in circulation down to 1 million, or in two years, whichever comes first.

Vault Stats, as of this writing

The Mechanics:

  1. The VAULT — The vault is really what caught my attention initially. While I view the billions of dead sh*tcoins in my wallet as badges of honor, they’re not worth anything. And that’s what makes Cake Monster different — it’s backed by the native currency of the most successful economy on Binance Smart Chain, Pancake Swap. And it’s staked. There’s currently 41,680 CAKE in the vault, accruing at 2,986% APY. (Note: It took me about 30 minutes to write this, but it’s already outdated. There’s now 42,461 CAKE — over $872k USD)
  2. Locked Liquidity + Tax — Guess what, no rugs! Liquidity is locked. There’s a 5% tax for each sale, purchase or transfer. A portion of this tax is added to the locked liquidity ($MONSTA & $BNB), buys more $CAKE for the vault and the remaining is burned.
  3. Cash Outs for Inactive Wallets. No more coin hoarding — Every 50 days, holders are required to either a) make a transaction for 5% of their balance (buy/sell/send to another wallet) or hit the reset button, which will charge them a small fee. Once those 50 days are up, any holder can hit a fancy little button that will cash you out of your position. This mechanic rewards those who are paying attention and encourages active participation. 70% goes to BNB and remains in the wallet, 20% is sold to $CAKE and goes into the gravity vault, 2.5% goes to the person who hit the cashout button and the remaining amount is burned.
  4. Cake Dividends — For every .01% of the supply burned, a portion of the $CAKE vault is paid out in dividends to each holder.
  5. NFT’s — Holders can claim NFT’s that will grant them special privileges, depending on how much Monsta they hold. There are a limited number of these available, so definitely not something you want to wait on. Holding one of these baddies will also get you whitelisted into the private sale for the upcoming Play To Earn game.

Checkout this explainer video:

This is intended to be a project overview, there’s so much I haven’t covered. Checkout the Moon Map on the website, definitely read the Whitepaper and come hang out with us in Telegram. Did I mention the devs like to party?

“I should’ve bought Dogecoin when it was at .0003..”

“I wish I had bought Shib at .000000000005..”

Well, this is your opportunity to buy Cake Monster at $.01.

One dollar is p r o g r a m m e d.

If you can hold and remember to reset your timer, there’s literally no way you can lose. If you’ve read all of this and still decide not to buy, that’s absolutely your choice, but I promise, you’ll feel absolutely sick when you see what we’re about to do over the next year. ❤





Cassie Wolfe

Crypto Trader. DeFi will change your life. ⚡Opinions are not financial advice.